Well, autumn is officially here and my posts have missed an entire season! There really is no rhyme or reason for it, other than just took a break from the computer, focused on the kiddos and painted when my schedule permitted.
Our summer was filled with book club meetings, field trips, house painting, some swimming and a few picnics scattered here and there.
Book club was especially busy this year, as we had something going on nearly every week. The girls covered six books, five art projects, including poetry, oil pastels, and acrylics, as well as a community service project. They also toured an art museum where they took a class on color theory, and received cake decorating lessons at a bake shop.

An artfully, busy summer.
In closing our summer, it was decided that our group would host an Evening of Poetry for the community at our town's riverside park. The girls recited original poetry, displayed their artwork,

served their homemade cupcakes

and collected donations for the local food bank. The evening turned out to be so very heartwarming; seeing the girls so poised and gracious to one another, as well as serving the guests while wearing their adorable vintage aprons! Too cute for words. Definitely, one of my Norman Rockwell moments in life. (I tend to strive for those ... can't help it - would love to live in a Golden Book if I could or at least create that world for my children. Trust me. It doesn't happen often!)
The whirl of summer activities kept the days flying off the calendar, and before long ...
my children were riding that big, yellow school bus destined for long school days. It was difficult at first, dealing with my empty nest, but after a week or so, I adjusted. It helped that we were heading to the beach three weeks later ... the beach tends to have that effect on people - - makes everything better! :)
My in laws invited us to South Carolina with them and it took less than a second for our family to jump on the chance to pile ourselves and a ridiculous amount of gear into a vehicle with a map, and leave our home for the first time in five years!!! Oh yeah. A vacation was looooooooong overdue!!
We sunned ourselves, built sandcastles, enjoyed the waves, rode the water slides, ate incredible seafood, stayed up late, studied schoolwork (will not do this again during the school year!), and - the most memorable - spent time with family. 
My husband has a number of relatives who live in the area, so we were blessed to spend time with family that we rarely see.
We even had a Girls Day Out and made our way to Pawleys Island (a check mark off my Bucket List!).
My mom-in-law, Aunt Marsha, Cousin Tami (who I like to refer to as my soul sister - as we share a love of painting, glitter!, reading, and chocolate!, to name a few :) and I enjoyed -
roaming the All Saints Cemetery
visiting Alice Flagg's grave 
attending a Healing Service, 
perusing the eclectic boutiques and galleries, hearing Gullah stories at a museum (the first few at least ... the curator tended to be a tad long-winded ...LOL), chatting over lunch, and most of all ... catching up with one another.
It was a time that I will treasure in my heart always.
So, since we've been home and back to the fall schedule, I've busied myself with a new goal ... some call it an Art Show - others call it a Trunk Sale - I call it, Art in the Barn. :)
I am hosting my very first show/sale/fun gathering with friends in November, and boy - when I say that I am a procrastinator and tight deadlines are the only way that I can work - I ain't lyin'! I have given myself exactly 5 weeks (one of which is already gone) to produce the following:
- jewelry
- canvases
- scarves
- wine glasses
as well as:
- photography prints
- framed art
- note cards
So, needless to say, things are a little busy around these parts. :)
I am just wrapping up the jewelry -

hand-painted pendants with sterling silver chain and embellishments, accompanied with either faceted glass or jasper stones. I have approximately 20 designs to offer and hope to put together a catalog and a new website following this event. We'll see how it goes. Keep your fingers crossed! :)
With all of the projects going on, I figured that this would be a good time to get up on that bloggin' saddle again ... hopefully making a better effort - - I know, you've heard it all before! :)
Well - off to the studio ... Happy Tuesday!