So, my mind is planning the de-autumn-izing (new word!) of our home, as my eyes are weary of all the orange and rust that seems to be everywhere. Don't get me wrong ... I love fall. I was so anxious to pull it out and drape it everywhere in August! Now, I am pining for my evergreen! Truly, I could never be one to live in an area that does not receive all four seasons - - they are such gifts! Yes ... our winters do seem to last FOREVER ... but I try to look at it as "longer sled riding weather!" You should see my sister and I race down my mother's hill - - it's exhilarating - but quite a sight! ... especially when I am decked out in my husband's hunting suit - - hey, that baby's warm! And, yes - at first, we all try to hop on the sled - kids and all. But, then - my daughter likes to fly solo and my son - well, he prefers to eat snow. We've guided him against the yellow .... :)
Back to decor - - Realizing that the autumn wall hanging in my living room would not look so great next to our Christmas tree and I really did not want a bare wall (I'm not a sparse decorator by no means) - - I decided to turn the wall hanging over and paint the other side! BTW, the wall hanging is made from the same canvas that I use for the family tree wall hangings.
I wanted a winter scene - not Christmas - as I want to be able to keep it up until spring has sprung. So, I decided on a tree (shocking, I know ...) and the kiddos. Hmmmmm. What shall they be doing? My daughter suggested ice skating - already did that. Building a snowman? - already did that. Humph.
Cardinals - they must be part of it! You see, cardinals hold a very special meaning in our family. They were my pap's favorite bird (as well as my Gram's - didn't want to leave you out!), and every time that the kids and I, as well as my mom and sister, see one - we like to think that Pap had sent it from heaven to remind us that he is still watching over us. Silly maybe ... but it gives us such comfort.
So - we have cardinals. Cardinals = Birdhouse ... Birdhouse hung in tree ... Feeding the birds - - can you see my brain churnin'? LOL.
I settled on my daughter hanging the birdhouse ...

... and my son feeding a bird ...

And, the cardinals? Why, they are nestled in the tree ...

This is the illustration for our Christmas cards this year, as well as a decoration in our home ...

Winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth, for the touch of a friendly hand and for a talk beside the fire: it is the time for home.
~Edith Sitwell