Friday, October 9, 2009

Halloween Sparkles ...

Since my mother is quite the Queen of Halloween, as she loves to dress up ghoulish and decorate with all things spooky & frightful -- my children seem to be under the impression that we are lacking in our spirit of spook-tacular fun, as I seem to embrace autumn rather than witches and the undead. I tend to keep my mind in Pleasantville, per se, as I am quite the scaredy cat! My Halloween movie list consists of Hocus Pocus (my all time favorite! "Look Winnie! It's a chocolate covered finger of a man named Clark!" - - priceless.) and It's the Great Pumpkin Charlie Brown. Pathetic perhaps, but I do not go to bed checking beneath it first! :)

Now, I have - on occasion - endured the scary slasher films, but do so with my hands covering my eyes and my thumbs in my ears ... so really, what's the point??? This weekend should be interesting, as my sister has talked me into a local amusement park's version of Fright Night. I know. What the heck am I thinking, right? Well, I'm thinking that I love to go on amusement rides; we did not make it there this summer; I have a soft-spot for corndogs; and I'm hoping to have a cocktail or two beforehand! LOL!!

So, back to the lack of Halloween in our home ... my daughter (Scaredy Cat #2) decided that bats, witches and ghosts were tolerable, so she set out to decorate her bedroom ...

Construction Paper, Glue & Glitter ... Glitter ... & more Glitter. Seriously, this stuff is like the Easter basket filling - you know the kind that sticks to everything and you find strands lurking in corners six months later! :)

I think I can handle these decorations ... :)

When witches go riding,and black cats are seen,the moon laughs and whispers,‘tis near Halloween.

~Author Unknown

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The witches are flying, the bats are stinky, I found a potion with an old man's pinky, or winky, whatever!

Love you,