From the completion of our Creative Expressions Program (Awards Night, that is ... our committee is still chugging along ... *smile*) - which by the way, my sister performed her original tribute to CE ...
...I had tears in my eyes ... AND - my daughter placed FIRST in Sculpture ...
...again, I had tears in my eyes.
to - celebrating Thanksgiving (Happy Belated Turkey Day to all ... let us count our blessings daily)
- turning thirtysomething (UGH!)
- packing away all the fall decor (DOUBLE UGH!)
- trimming our home in Christmas glow ... just how many twinkle lights can one room hold? well, let's see ...
And, finally Doot-Doot-Do-DO! Our tree ...
(okay - back to the list)
- designing Christmas cards for St. Vincent College (plus hand-painting sparkle glitter on all 200. 
Call me crazy, but it is just the touch they needed!)
Then, redesigning the blog. If you had not noticed or something seemed a little different - my artwork is now displayed on an all-in-one, easy-access inventory via a new blog titled "My Gallery" If you have a second, please check this out. Note that an Index of Art is located on the side bar - just click on the category that you wish to view. Tell me what you think. Do you like the new layout? Any suggestions for changes or additions? When you click to go to "My Gallery", you will find a link to return to "All Roads ..." I am hoping that this new setup will provide a more organized view of my work. Again, let me know your thoughts.
Well, it's a brand new day already ... Happy Thursday to all!
Your home looks lovely! Thank you for sharing! Love your birdie as well as your stained glass piece. And, the St. Vincent's cards look gorgeous! Amazing artist! Waiting for your 2008 family Christmas card!Such a treat!
Happy Thursday to you, too!
Wow you've been busy! I've missed chatting with you. I love the sparkle on the cards, really pretty. I want to come over and have cookies and sit and look around at all your decorations. It just looks so inviting! I love the stain glass wreath with the candle, yep, looks like a grandma thing and warms my heart thinking about it. (I'm pretty sure my G'ma had things like that in her window too, it just looks familiar)
I like the gallery too! you did a great job, easy to get around. How is everything going? What are your plans for Christmas? Do you host?
FREAKIN' AWESOME! Really love your new page!
Keep up the good work... :)
LOve it Love It Love it!!!!!!!!!The talent that lies within you is unbelievable! You are coming to do My decorations arent you? I know I know cheapo has to buy some! You areone classy daughter-in-law.
I love the new look of the blog and the gallery is wonderful! Lovely decorations, too! I just realized it was December...where does the time go?
Hi Jenny, Thanks for your sweet comments! I'm up late too and should get to bed because I have an early day ahead. On blogspot when you load your photos make sure to click "large" image and this allows them to be clicked on and enlarged. Only the "large" image works this way. Good luck! Cute blog!
Very nice decorations! Congrats on your daughter following in your artistic footprints! What an honor! Love your blog!
Hi Jenny, so nice to meet a fellow artist. Your illustrations are wonderful. Love your holiday cards and decorations by the way. : )
Yes, you would probably love gallery canvas, give it a try.
You have an absolutely lovely home. Very cozy looking! Oh, and the Christmas cards look amazing!
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