Monday, March 19, 2012

Confession ...

I ... l-o-v-e ... owls :)

There is something that I just ADORE about their large, knowing eyes & wispy feathers that glide across the starlit sky. I love the mystery that seems to haunt these beautiful creatures.

I tend to make my family roll their eyes, as every season the owls remain perched in my home ... watching over our day ...

... and when I need a whimsy jolt of inspiration - they can be found on me ...

... and often times - - they even make their way into my art ...

So - - what fancies your inspiration?

A wise old owl sat on an oak;

The more he saw,

The less he spoke.

The less he spoke,

The more he heard.

Why aren't we like that wise old bird?

-Edward Hershey Richards

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