Wednesday, March 21, 2012

... signs of spring ...

The year's at the spring,

And day's at the morn;

Morning's at seven,

The hillside's dew pearl'd;

The lark's on the wing,

The snail's on the thorn;

God's in His heaven --

All's right with the world!

- Robert Browning

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

... gifts ...

God has given us a gift of another day.

Another day to see our kiddos - -

... catch a smile - - or hear their laughter ...
... Another day to talk with our husbands - -

... and say, "I love you" ...

... Another day to see the trees bud & blossom - -

... to hear the singing of returning birds & witness the miraculous birth of new ones ...

... Another day - - another gift.

What we are is God's gift to us.

What we become is our gift to God.

- Eleanor Powell

Monday, March 19, 2012

Confession ...

I ... l-o-v-e ... owls :)

There is something that I just ADORE about their large, knowing eyes & wispy feathers that glide across the starlit sky. I love the mystery that seems to haunt these beautiful creatures.

I tend to make my family roll their eyes, as every season the owls remain perched in my home ... watching over our day ...

... and when I need a whimsy jolt of inspiration - they can be found on me ...

... and often times - - they even make their way into my art ...

So - - what fancies your inspiration?

A wise old owl sat on an oak;

The more he saw,

The less he spoke.

The less he spoke,

The more he heard.

Why aren't we like that wise old bird?

-Edward Hershey Richards

Friday, March 16, 2012

... painting lemonade.

Pick the day. ENJOY it - to the hilt! The day as it comes. People as they come ... The past, I think, has helped me appreciate the present - and I don't want to spoil any of it fretting about the future.

- Audrey Hepburn

... taking a breather ...

... from this week.

It's had its moments of productivity... but, it's also had its underlying concerns of a daughter sick in bed and my hubby to the emergency room, with MANY calls to doctors/PTs and numerous appointments. I count my blessing and thank the Lord that both are okay, under doctor's care and should be feeling better soon.

Other than having my bits of creative indulgences here and there, a special JOY this week was celebrating my son's 7th birthday, just yesterday ...
He was so excited to turn 7, that the day before he wore his baseball jersey with the No. "6" on the back, because, "it's the last day I will be 6, Mom!" So, I surprised him by making a shirt for his new "I'm not your little boy anymore" age. (yes ... that tore a little piece of my heart ...) As every mom knows - a page is turned much too quickly as our children grow.

Well ... I better head up to the studio to work on a glass pitcher that is calling for someone to "ENJOY" ... Lemonade anyone? (stop back to see :)

If you concentrate on finding whatever is good in any situation, you will discover that your life will suddenly be filled with gratitude, a feeling that nurtures the soul.

- Rabbi Harold Kushner

Thursday, March 15, 2012

... something sweet :)

Cupcakes = JOY in my book!

Nothing heals the soul like cupcakes.

It's God's apology for muffins.

- Annonymous

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

... so, Friends - - where are you from?

I am from scattered worn-out paintbrushes collected in handmade pottery and antique Cramer's Dairy milk bottles and trails where old railroad tracks once laid that I walked upon on warm afternoons with my Pap.

I am from cluttered kitchen counters topped with deadlines, things to do, and things to cherish and owls and mason jars encased with rainbow hues of dripping paint.

I am from the two-story dwelling with a freshened-up face, hand-painted by myself and loved ones on ladders and twinkle lights that cast shadows on worn-out floors from little shoes and paws running about and from piles of artwork made from hands and minds that I love so dear.

From outdoorsmen who respect and love everything that God provides, like sunrises from a tree stand, the rushing sound of the creek and snow on the forest's floor.

From women who relish enjoyments over a good read, a good film and art that inspires and from gals that hold their family tightly and lift each other up and seek God's wisdom to soothe their souls.

I'm from long walks and riverside picnics and family card games at the dining room table and from Linnea Joy and David Allen and houses from here to there.

I'm from shoeboxes of photographs and thrift store jackpots and from hanging clothes out on the line and enjoying the peaceful calm of the Clarion.

I'm from "do unto others as you would have them do unto you" and "nothing worthwhile comes easy" and always - "Jesus loves me, this I know."

From Sunday suppers at Gram's and roasted carrot casserole and You are my Sunshine of two-part harmonies following family dinners, hoping to stay on pitch.

From finding my muse with memories I hold dear and hitting "save" on messages from my grandmas and smelling homemade apple crisp and missing the days of Wally's Pizza Shop.

I am from whimsy cotton aprons and worn tablecloth quilts and drives to the park with my camera in tow and a book club of chatty girls and moving stars and Wednesday night Jeep rides, chasing them from the sky.

I am from sinking my soul into the weight of Good Friday and the humbling beauty of Easter morn and from yearning - always yearning - to find the unique and simple blessing in each and every day.


The inspiration to write this poem came from the lovely gal that I wrote about in yesterday's post, Ann Voskamp of A Holy Experience. She posted her own "I am From" poem and encouraged other's to do the same. So - I printed out the template that you can find HERE ... and went to work ...

So ... I ask - - where are you from? How has life shaped you? It can be renewing to hit "pause" and "rewind" sometimes. So often the picture becomes clearer and the blessings unveil themselves ...

Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose.

- The Wonder Years

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Catching up and finding myself ...

This poor unattended blog has seen better days. Although, I do suppose I can confidently say that I have never been an "everyday" blogger. I always have such good intentions that seem to get clouded over with impromptu sick bugs, deadlines and have-to's - -and well, the days tick on by.

About a week and a half ago, I stumbled upon a beautiful gift that has brought such enrichment to my soul - - perhaps you are familiar with it ... A Holy Experience. What I didn't realize when I stumbled upon Ann's blog is that she is the author of a book that has caught my eye soooooo many times in the store, my online book clubs, and onto my wish list. Well, after reading through a myriad of posts and soaking up the enchanting photography of her blog, I felt "joy" tickle at my heart, warmth spread to my cheeks, dampness in the creases of my eyes and a deep smile on my face. Her words are gifts ... they dance and intertwine and leave you breathless ... and truly, my soul thanked me.

My book arrived yesterday.

I haven't cracked the cover yet, but already, I feel such rebirth - freshened-up, per se ... and just in time, too, glass and canvas is calling quite feverishly for attention. Deadlines approaching, you know.

So ... if you haven't stopped by Ann's to pay a visit - - you really must. Soul-gratifying inspiration is merely a click away.

For tomorrow, I have been working on a special project that I encourage you to try. Stop by then to see :)

Joy is the echo of God's life in us.

- Abbot Columba Marmion